Last night, at around 2am, I had an epiphany. Too many funny things happen to me to keep to myself. Even if no one else really gets why I am chuckling under my breath, it's okay. I just want to make moments of mirth available to people of like mind. I make no claim to comic genius; this is just me, laughing at the world as I float along.
Many of the tributaries that form this stream of consciousness will be child-related. I have two young daughters, and they will provide me with endless inspiration, no doubt. Some may be relationship-based. My husband is my best friend, and with over a decade of shared history, there's plenty of giggle fodder. I grew up in a big family in a small town, so family and friends will influence this current, I'm sure. I hope not to dwell on negative shakings-of-my-head, sardonic snorts, or cynical chuckles, though they will certainly show up as a riffle from time to time.
What caused my wee hours epiphany, you ask?
Daughter #1, "S," is now two and a half years old. Daughter #2, "M," is eleven months. They share a bedroom, but generally nights are peaceful. M is having a rough week due to some teething, and has taken to flinging herself to the ground and complaining at the top of her lungs in a fit when not catered to, which we don't allow in our household. M has woken up the entire family for several nights running, and even her sister, who usually sleeps through her restless moments, has had quite enough.
Last night, M started up around two o'clock, but even through the monitor, I could tell that she wasn't really committed to an outburst yet. It was more of a sleepy mumble than an all-out shriek. It did, however continue for several minutes while I lay in my cozy blanket nest, waiting for her to either fall back to sleep or escalate the situation. S had no such patience. Suddenly, I hear her rustling out of her own bed, small footsteps stomping across the carpet. In a clear, firm, two-year-old voice, she started shouting at her sister, "No fits!"
I woke my husband to tell him the story, but I think he'd have rather waited for me to start a blog...
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